About me

I  am Mayra, originally from Brazil but world citizen for 20 years,  woman, mother of 2 and Doula for the past 8 years. 

I always saw the human body as a healing tool and a fantastic mechanism of self development. 

Dance, was for me since childhood, a big tool for self expression. Later on I started fine arts degree but left it unfinished to travel the world when I was 19. Few years later I went back to  my studies and graduated in performing arts in London, which led me to a more therapeutic approach like drama therapy. After those 3 years I had my first child and that transformation made me dive into education 1 year later. For 4 years I worked with kids in different ages and at some point I realised that my mission wasn't to educate them or help them grow up but to support the way future children would come to this world by supporting their mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.

My mission is to keep pregnancy, birth and postpartum sacred and real. Connecting our bodies to what is unknown during this process. Honouring life in all forms.